Software Testing and QA

Top-level functional and non-functional testing

Our testing services guarantee quality. We help You detect and eliminate errors.

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Testowanie oprogramowania i QA

Quality assurance and professional testing

Software testing and quality assurance (QA) are critical stages in the development of robust, reliable applications and systems. Effective testing involves not only identifying bugs but also verifying that the product meets all requirements and performs according to user expectations.

At InterSynergy, we offer a comprehensive range of quality assurance services tailored to the unique needs of our clients. We conduct functional, performance, automated, and security testing, ensuring the highest quality and reliability of software. With our advanced tools and methodologies, we can identify potential issues early, allowing for quick and efficient resolution.


  • Konsultacja
  • Projektowanie
  • Programowanie
  • Testowanie
  • Wdrażanie
  • Wsparcie
  • Konsultacja
    01. Consultation and Needs Analysis

    We conduct a detailed interview to understand your goals and expectations regarding software testing and quality. We analyze technical specifications and business requirements to fully comprehend the project's scope and key areas requiring testing.

  • 02. Design and Visualization

    We create test scenarios, a test strategy, and a test plan to ensure comprehensive coverage of your service’s functions and aspects. Our approach includes both manual and automated tests, tailored to the specifics of your software. We visualize the test process and expected results, providing a clear action plan.

  • Programowanie
    03. Development and Programming

    After approving the test plan, we implement the necessary tools. We integrate tests with the continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) process, enabling automatic and regular test runs during software development. We develop test scripts and configure the test environment to match real user conditions.

  • 04. Testing and Optimization

    We conduct rigorous tests to ensure your service operates flawlessly. We test functionality, performance, security, and compatibility with various devices and browsers. We analyze test results, identify any errors, and implement necessary corrections. We optimize the software to meet the highest quality standards and prepare it for deployment.

  • Wdrażanie
    05. Implementation and Publication

    We deploy your service on the chosen hosting platform and ensure a smooth transition from development to operation. We guarantee that the software is stable and ready for use, and all final tests are successfully completed. We prepare technical documentation and user instructions to facilitate further use of the service.

  • 06. Technical Support and Updates

    We provide ongoing technical support to ensure your service runs smoothly and is protected against threats. We regularly monitor the software’s performance and security, implementing updates and fixes as needed. We are ready to respond quickly to any issues post-deployment and further optimize the service in response to changing user needs.


What You Gain

  • Maksymalna Jakość
    Maximum Quality and Reliability

    You gain access to advanced software testing focused on ensuring your product is rigorously tested, eliminating errors, and ensuring reliable operation.

  • Zaawansowane Funkcjonalności
    Advanced Functionality

    We create customized test strategies tailored to your project’s specific requirements. This ensures your software meets all needs, from contact forms to payment system integrations.

  • Szybkość i wydajność
    Speed and Performance

    Our tests not only identify errors but also optimize the speed and performance of your software. This ensures your product loads quickly and runs smoothly, providing excellent user experiences.

  • Bezpieczeństwo i Ochrona Danych
    Security and Data Protection

    We ensure the security of your software and data. We use the latest protocols and protection methods to provide peace of mind and safeguard against threats.

  • Wsparcie Techniczne
    Technical Support

    We offer comprehensive technical support during development and post-deployment. Our team is available 24/7 to answer your questions and resolve any issues.

Free Consultation

Why Choose InterSynergy?

  • Stawiamy na efektywność i optymalizację
    We prioritize efficiency and optimization

    Our solutions are optimized for performance, providing you with speed and efficiency.

  • Jesteśmy grupą ekspertów
    We are a group of experts

    Our team consists of professionals with different specializations, enabling us to meet a wide range of client needs.

  • Skrupulatnie dbamy o jakość wykonania
    We meticulously prioritize quality

    We engage in research and analysis to deliver solutions that consider all essential aspects and details.

  • Gwarantujemy bezpieczeństwo i ochronę Twoich danych
    We guarantee security and data protection

    We ensure a high level of security and data protection, providing you with peace of mind.

  • Utrzymujemy transparentność i regularną komunikację
    We maintain transparency and regular communication

    We are open to communication and regularly keep you informed about project progress to keep you well-informed.

  • Specjalizujemy się w kompleksowym podejściu do projektów
    We specialize in a comprehensive approach to projects

    We offer a full range of services, including analysis, design, implementation, and support, allowing you to achieve success without multiple vendors.

  • Oferujemy innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne
    We offer innovative technological solutions

    Our passion for the latest technologies inspires us to create innovative solutions that can give you a competitive edge.

  • Tworzymy więzi oparte na zaufaniu i sukcesie
    We build relationships based on trust and success

    Our team focuses on building long-term relationships based on collaboration and mutual development.

What it looks like in numbers?

  • 97% Error Detection Rate

    Nasze zaawansowane techniki testowania oprogramowania przyczyniły się do wykrycia aż 97% błędów i problemów, zanim dotrą one do użytkowników.

  • 50% Reduction in Deployment Time

    Our software testing services have reduced the time required to deploy new features by 50%, enabling faster product development.

  • 70% Increase in Application Performance

    Our services have resulted in a 70% increase in application performance, enhancing user satisfaction.

Example project

logo firmy aflofarm

Preparing the layout and frontend of the main corporate website

Case Study


Customer testimonials

The proposed actions significantly increased performance and maximized our profits. Their professionalism and precision in identifying key issues affecting online services are astounding.

Przemysław Pepla

SEO Specialist -


  • What are the benefits of QA Testing?

    QA Testing enhances software quality, improves customer satisfaction, reduces repair and maintenance costs, and increases user trust in your application. Additionally, early error detection minimizes the risk of post-deployment failures and issues, ensuring product stability and reliability.

  • How much does it cost?

    The cost of our services depends on various factors, such as project scope, functionalities, customization, and other specific needs. We are flexible and adapt to our clients' budgets to provide optimal solutions. We are happy to discuss details and prepare an attractive offer tailored to your project's specifics and industry for the best possible results.

  • When can we start?

    We are ready to start working on your project immediately after signing the contract and agreeing on details. Our team is prepared to focus on your needs promptly. With our efficient processes, we can quickly begin testing to ensure your software is ready on time and error-free.

  • What types of QA tests do you offer?

    We offer various types of tests, including functional tests, performance tests, compatibility tests, usability tests, automated tests, and more. We tailor the testing strategy to the project's specific requirements to ensure comprehensive coverage of all aspects of your software. Our methods also include regression tests, security tests, and integration tests to ensure the highest quality and reliability.

  • Can I track the process progress?

    Yes, we provide regular reports and real-time communication, keeping you up to date with the testing process. We use advanced project management tools that ensure transparency and full control over the testing process, allowing for quick response to any issues and ongoing adjustment of the testing strategy.

  • Do you provide support after deployment?

    Yes, we offer technical support and care post-deployment. Our team is available to answer your questions, resolve issues, and provide continuous support as needed. Our goal is to ensure your complete satisfaction with our services at every stage of cooperation. We also assist in conducting additional tests post-deployment and monitoring performance and stability in a real environment.

  • What financial model do you operate on?

    We offer a flexible Time & Material financial model, which brings many benefits to our clients. This model provides full control over the project, allowing for changes and adjustments to the scope of work. Transparency of costs, direct access to our experts, and project scalability are key advantages that ensure satisfaction and high quality of our services. This model allows for dynamic budget management and quick adaptation to the project's changing needs.

  • What added value do your projects offer?

    Our Software Testing projects stand out for their excellent quality, reduced timelines, cost savings, support for various industries, flexibility, complete transparency, and post-sale support. Thanks to our services, clients can be assured that their software will function smoothly, error-free, and meet all user requirements, leading to higher customer satisfaction and better business results.

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    Inclusion of files is not mandatory, yet it will enable us to better address your needs.
    The maximum size of uploaded files is 12 MB.

    What is your budget?

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