SEO Optimization

Better visibility on Google

Gain an edge online. Our SEO Optimization service tailors your website to meet user expectations and search engine algorithms.

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Increase traffic and improve page ranking

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves optimizing your website to enhance its visibility (ranking) in search engines. It encompasses a wide range of actions aimed at preparing your site to achieve the highest possible search engine results. SEO can be viewed as a process of creating, shaping, and promoting the content on your site to increase the likelihood of visits from potential users.


  • SEO Audit
  • Keyword Research and Competitor Analysis
  • Content Optimization
  • Technical Optimization
  • Link Building
  • Monitoring and Reporting
  • 01. SEO Audit

    We start with a comprehensive audit of your website, identifying areas needing optimization. We analyze both technical and content aspects to understand what elements might affect your site's search ranking. We assess site structure, loading speed, mobile usability, and other key SEO factors.

  • 02. Keyword Research and Competitor Analysis

    We conduct keyword research and analyze competitors to develop a keyword strategy. We identify the most effective and popular phrases that will attract relevant users to your site. By analyzing the keywords used by your competitors and their performance, we build a robust strategy.

  • 03. Content Optimization

    We optimize your site's content with selected keywords to enhance its attractiveness to search engines. We create valuable, unique, and engaging content that meets your users' needs. We optimize headers, meta descriptions, alt texts for images, and article structures to make them SEO-friendly.

  • 04. Technical Optimization

    We fix technical errors, optimize URL structure and metadata to improve search engine friendliness. We enhance page loading speed, optimize HTML, JavaScript, and CSS code, and configure the sitemap and robots.txt file. Our efforts ensure that your site is easily indexed by search engines and provides the best user experience.

  • 05. Link Building

    We implement a link-building strategy, creating valuable links to your site to increase its authority online. We build a network of natural, high-quality backlinks by collaborating with credible sites and creating interesting content that attracts others to link to your site. Our goal is to boost your site's visibility and credibility in the eyes of search engines.

  • 06. Monitoring and Reporting

    We track progress, analyze the results of our actions, and provide regular reports so you can monitor the effects of SEO optimization. We monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as search ranking positions, site traffic, conversion rates, and more to assess the effectiveness of our efforts. Regular reports allow us to continuously adjust the SEO strategy to achieve the best results.

What You Gain

  • Modern and Optimized Websites

    You get optimized websites with modern designs. Our solutions are fully tailored for SEO optimization and adapt to various devices.

  • Zaawansowane Funkcjonalności
    Advanced SEO Tools

    We create websites equipped with advanced SEO tools, such as meta tag optimization, keyword analysis, SEO-friendly content customization, and result tracking.

  • Szybkość i wydajność
    Speed and Search Efficiency

    Our websites are optimized for speed and search efficiency. This ensures your site loads quickly, which is crucial for Google rankings.

  • Bezpieczeństwo i Ochrona Danych
    Security and Data Protection

    We care about the security of your website and user data. We use the latest protocols and protection methods to ensure peace of mind and protection against threats.

  • Wsparcie Techniczne
    Technical Support

    We provide comprehensive technical support. Our team is available 24/7 to answer your questions and help resolve any issues.

Free Consultation

Why Choose InterSynergy?

  • Stawiamy na efektywność i optymalizację
    We prioritize efficiency and optimization

    Our solutions are optimized for performance, providing you with speed and efficiency.

  • Jesteśmy grupą ekspertów
    We are a group of experts

    Our team consists of professionals with different specializations, enabling us to meet a wide range of client needs.

  • Skrupulatnie dbamy o jakość wykonania
    We meticulously prioritize quality

    We engage in research and analysis to deliver solutions that consider all essential aspects and details.

  • Gwarantujemy bezpieczeństwo i ochronę Twoich danych
    We guarantee security and data protection

    We ensure a high level of security and data protection, providing you with peace of mind.

  • Utrzymujemy transparentność i regularną komunikację
    We maintain transparency and regular communication

    We are open to communication and regularly keep you informed about project progress to keep you well-informed.

  • Specjalizujemy się w kompleksowym podejściu do projektów
    We specialize in a comprehensive approach to projects

    We offer a full range of services, including analysis, design, implementation, and support, allowing you to achieve success without multiple vendors.

  • Oferujemy innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne
    We offer innovative technological solutions

    Our passion for the latest technologies inspires us to create innovative solutions that can give you a competitive edge.

  • Tworzymy więzi oparte na zaufaniu i sukcesie
    We build relationships based on trust and success

    Our team focuses on building long-term relationships based on collaboration and mutual development.

What it looks like in numbers?

  • 90% Shorter Page Load Time

    Our optimization not only increases visibility but also speeds up website loading by an impressive 90%, improving user experience.

  • 82% Increase in Search Visibility

    Our SEO optimization strategies result in an impressive 82% increase in your site's search visibility.

  • 60% Increase in Organic Traffic

    Thanks to our SEO efforts, we see a significant 60% increase in organic traffic, translating to more potential customers.

Example project

mfind logo

A popular comparison engine of OC/AC, health and property insurance.

Strona główna mfind



  • What is SEO optimization and why is it important?

    SEO optimization is the process of optimizing a website's content, structure, and technology to improve its visibility in search engine results. It is crucial for attracting organic traffic to the site, increasing its ranking in search results, and generating more customers. SEO helps your site achieve better visibility in search engines, leading to more visitors, potential customers, and ultimately, increased sales and brand recognition.

  • What SEO optimization methods do you use?

    Our company uses a wide range of SEO optimization methods, including keyword research, content optimization, technical site optimization, link building, performance monitoring, and many others tailored to the client's specific needs. Our approach also includes competitor analysis, page speed optimization, mobile device adaptation, and regular updates according to the latest Google guidelines to ensure long-term results.

  • How much can it cost?

    The cost of our services depends on various factors, such as project scope, functionalities, customization, and other individual needs. We are flexible and adapt to our clients' budgets to provide optimal solutions. We will be happy to discuss the details and prepare an attractive offer for you, considering the specifics of your industry, market competitiveness, and your business goals to achieve the best possible results.

  • Can SEO strategy be customized for specific industries and goals?

    Yes, our SEO strategy is individually tailored to the client's needs and industry specifics. We aim to achieve specific business goals, such as increasing traffic, conversions, or customer acquisition. We conduct a thorough market and competition analysis to develop a personalized strategy that meets your business's unique requirements and delivers measurable results.

  • When can we start?

    We are ready to start working on your project immediately after signing the contract and finalizing the details. Our team is ready to act and will focus on meeting your needs as quickly as possible. With our efficient processes, we can quickly launch the campaign so you can see the first results and enjoy improved visibility in search results as soon as possible.

  • How long does it take to see SEO optimization effects?

    The time needed to see SEO optimization effects can vary depending on the competition in a given industry and the competitiveness of the keywords. However, you can start seeing initial results within a few months. Regular optimization and strategy adjustment allow for achieving long-term and stable results that contribute to your business growth.

  • Do you provide support after implementation?

    Yes, we provide technical support and maintenance after implementation. Our team is available to answer your questions, resolve issues, and provide ongoing support as needed. Our goal is to ensure your full satisfaction with our services at every stage of cooperation. We also offer regular audits and updates to maintain your site's high search ranking and adapt it to changing search engine algorithms.

  • What financial model do you work in?

    We offer a flexible Time & Material financial model, which provides many benefits to our clients. This model gives you full control over the project, allows for changes and scope adjustments, and ensures cost transparency, direct access to our experts, and project scalability. This model allows for flexible budget management and quick response to changing needs and business priorities.

  • Can I continue SEO optimization after implementation?

    Yes, continuing SEO optimization is recommended. Regular updates and site optimization help maintain its high ranking in search results and adapt to changing trends. Continuous performance monitoring and strategy adjustments according to the latest SEO guidelines are crucial for maintaining competitiveness and ongoing organic traffic growth on your site.

  • What added value do your SEO implementations provide?

    Our SEO implementations stand out with significant increases in search visibility, high-quality traffic generation, and personalized SEO strategies tailored to the client's specific needs. We also offer regular reporting and post-sales support, keeping clients at the top of search rankings. Our effective SEO actions help your site achieve lasting and measurable results, contributing to the long-term success of your online business.

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    Inclusion of files is not mandatory, yet it will enable us to better address your needs.
    The maximum size of uploaded files is 12 MB.

    What is your budget?

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